Whether you’re freshly divorced and just dipping your toes back into the singles pool, or if you’ve been wading in the deep end for years brandishing your career bachelor moniker, you’d likely be intrigued by a list purporting to lead you by the nose to the best cyber meat markets that $34.99 can buy. You wouldn’t be alone.
I count myself in the first category -- I’ve recently found myself single after the end of a six-year marriage in which the sexual intimacy had ended about five years earlier.
After a fair share of due diligence and a rather large leap of faith, I threw caution to the wind and threw down $35 toward a membership on one of the list’s featured sites. I got exactly what I bargained for, and failed in my quest to find the golden honey pot at the end of the proverbial rainbow.
I’m not easily deterred, however, and I refused to believe that cyber-sexual bliss did not exist. After all, how could all these sites stay in business if they are nothing more than scams? Phony profiles, sketchy emails and failed promises of casual encounters confirmed my skepticism and raised my curiosity. So I set out on a quest to learn the truth about who’s who in the hookup website business, and took the reins on a comprehensive review. Turns out, there is a pretty wide range of options out there, most of which look very different from one another (compare Adult Friend Finder and Match.com, for example). I learned that, as with most things in life, there is some good, some bad and certainly some ugly.
What follows are the results of that review, complete with rankings that should help guide you on your own journey toward cyber-sexual bliss.
Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only. Mens Manual does not take any responsibility for the quality of these sites or the experiences you may have on them. Proceed at your own risk.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
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Affairs Happen Because Guys Are On The Prowl
No -- most of time, an affair happens to people who aren’t looking for it. This is particularly true in cases in which a partner has only cheated with one person. Affairs often begin as feeling really comfortable with someone, like the person at the desk next to you at work. That cosiness is followed by sharing intimate secrets, which can then shift into an emotional connection that's consummated with a full-blown tryst.
Affairs Happen With People Much Younger Or More Attractive
Not necessarily. Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s affair with his housekeeper. You know what I mean. And Tiger Woods' extra-martial interests. OK, sometimes the 60-something corporate CEO might seek out younger playmates, but, typically, paramours are no younger, richer or more attractive than spouses -- they're just someone new.
After An Affair, Kiss Your Marriage Goodbye
Not so quick! Over half of marriages survive infidelity. Although the relationship may break up from other issues in the future, when couples are willing to work together, they're surprised to find they can rebuild the trust. The most common reasons for marriage dissolution, at 53 to 55%, is “growing apart” and not being able to talk to each other.
Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater
Yes, there are some real scumbags out there, but not everyone who cheats is evil incarnate. Many affairs are a one-and-done thing. What happens after the affair can either set a marriage on a course for stability, or blow it out of the water. After ending the affair, for healing to take place, the cheater has to tell the whole truth about the affair. Knowing the truth is the first step towards healing.
Affairs Happen Because Of Problems In The Marriage
Here's the truth: almost every marriage has problems. Affairs don't happen because something’s wrong with the marriage; they happen, in part, because couples don't know how to work together to solve the issues they have. Having problems in your relationship doesn't justify cheating.
Affairs Are All About Sexual Attraction
Sure, some Sure, some affairs are only about the sex, but lots of the time, affairs happen because of an emotional connection. Sometimes, hanging out together and sharing feelings is as far as the affair ever goes, although it’s true that the sense of emotional closeness often leads to sex.
You Can't Call It Cheating If Sex Wasn't Involved
Many affairs happen without any sex at all. Is staying up half the night secretly texting an old uni friend about your most intimate thoughts being unfaithful? The person doing it may not see it as cheating, but you can bet your partner sees it this way. When you give an emotional part of yourself to someone with whom you could potentially cheat one day, it's cheating.
Infidelity Is Never About Sex; It's About Other Marital Issues
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes extramarital sex is just about sex. For sure, some affairs are just about unmet emotional needs, but for some people -- not the majority -- an affair is just about going out and getting laid.
Once An Affair Is Out In The Open, A Couple Can Never Be Happy Again
Not true. Affairs happen, and people do recover -- you hardly ever hear success stories because no one wants to discuss the past. But couples can learn to successfullyrebuild their relationships, and many of my patients say their bonds are even stronger once they’ve worked things through.
Distinguishing infidelity fact from fiction can help you and your partner gain a better understanding of how an affair happens, what to expect if one does, and what you can do to prevent infidelity. Truth is a powerful tool that can help you recover.
Distinguishing infidelity fact from fiction can help you and your partner gain a better understanding of how an affair happens, what to expect if one does, and what you can do to prevent infidelity. Truth is a powerful tool that can help you recover.
Cheating Myths that aren't true
When people find out about infidelity, they often make all kinds of assumptions about how and why people have affairs. The assumptions, however, are probably wrong. For example, would you believe it if I told you that most of time affairs happens to people who aren’t looking for it?
We live in a hush-hush culture -- when it comes to infidelity, there’s a lot of BS out there -- and most of what you think is true just isn't (you probably thought people who cheat actively seek partners outside marriage, right?). Here are the 10 most common misconceptions about infidelity, and the truth behind them.
We live in a hush-hush culture -- when it comes to infidelity, there’s a lot of BS out there -- and most of what you think is true just isn't (you probably thought people who cheat actively seek partners outside marriage, right?). Here are the 10 most common misconceptions about infidelity, and the truth behind them.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
When She's Breaking Up With You
If you've ever been broken up with before, you've undoubtedly heard some of these. Chances are, the flame died a long time ago, and she's been trying to work up the courage to break it off for a while. In an effort to end things with the least amount of weeping and protesting on your part, she breaks things off with you in the gentlest way possible.
When You're In The Friend Zone
If you've ever been knee-deep in the friend zone and tried to take things to the next level, you've probably heard some of these phrases before. What you failed to realize is that there is no next level from the friend zone. It's the final frontier of loneliness. You've been caring, supportive, and always there for her. Kind of like a mother. And you wonder why she doesn't want to sleep with you.
When She's Not Into You
Rejecting someone can be really awkward, and a lot of girls go out of their way to distance themselves without actually coming out and saying it. Chances are, she's not going to spell it out for you in bold, capital letters. She's going to keep dropping hints and really, really hope you get the message. Hopefully you've become wise to a lot of these subtle rejections, but if you hear them on a regular basis and still keep trying, maybe it's time to take a step back.
Things She Says (That Mean Other Things)2 The Secret To A Successful Relationship Is To Read Between The Lines. Here's A Guide To Help.
When She's Mad At You
Anyone who's been in a relationship has probably heard these things a million times before. Perhaps the only thing more damning than "I'm mad at you" is "I'm not mad at you." Maybe you're in a relationship where all the communication is completely 100% transparent, but we're not betting on it.
Things She Says (That Mean Other Things) The Secret To A Successful Relationship Is To Read Between The Lines. Here's A Guide To Help.
It's not you, it's her. She just needs some space. Your friendship just means too much to her to risk ruining it with a relationship. Let's be honest, guys, a lot of the things girls tell you shouldn't be taken at face value. If you're a man in the world that has ever dated before, you'll definitely be able to relate to a lot of these phrases.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Handstand pushups
Get ready to flip the classic pushup on its head -– literally!
While the triceps take on an average of 70% of the body’s weight during
normal pushups, handstand pushups load on almost 100% of the weight onto
your arms and shoulders. A perfect handstand pushup is ultra-hard to
master since it is performed free-standing and held in the air. This
requires tremendous strength, balance and total body control.
To work up to it, it’s important to first feel comfortable upside-down. The first step is to throw yourself up against a wall into handstand. If this is too scary, try starting off with a headstand until you get used to the feeling of blood rushing to your head. From a handstand position, arch your back slightly and spread out your fingers. Keep your core tight and lower yourself down SLOWLY until you touch the top of your head to the ground. To avoid smashing your head open, place a pillow or mat between your hands. With practice, you’ll get strong enough to lower down completely to the ground and press back up. Once you’re strong enough to perform 10 wall-assisted handstand pushups, work on your freestanding handstands until you can hold one steady for at least 30 seconds. From here you have all the necessary tools to perform the coveted freestanding handstand pushup. Congratulations, you’ve accomplished one of the toughest calisthenic exercises out there.
To work up to it, it’s important to first feel comfortable upside-down. The first step is to throw yourself up against a wall into handstand. If this is too scary, try starting off with a headstand until you get used to the feeling of blood rushing to your head. From a handstand position, arch your back slightly and spread out your fingers. Keep your core tight and lower yourself down SLOWLY until you touch the top of your head to the ground. To avoid smashing your head open, place a pillow or mat between your hands. With practice, you’ll get strong enough to lower down completely to the ground and press back up. Once you’re strong enough to perform 10 wall-assisted handstand pushups, work on your freestanding handstands until you can hold one steady for at least 30 seconds. From here you have all the necessary tools to perform the coveted freestanding handstand pushup. Congratulations, you’ve accomplished one of the toughest calisthenic exercises out there.
The Knee-slap Pushup
If you’re ready for some real kick buttery, the knee-slap pushup is one
that’ll leave you breathless and weak in no time. Like the clap pushup
and the alternating plyo pushup, you need to develop enough strength and
power in your upper body to get yourself airborne long enough to slap
your knees. Before trying this one, you should be comfortable with the
clap pushup. In this pushup variation, lower your body until your chest
touches the ground and push off explosively upward, bringing your entire
body up into the air. Once airborne, bend your knees forward and slap
your hands against your knees. Rapidly return hands and feet to their
original pushup position, land safely to the ground and continue on to
the next pushup repetition. This is a very difficult pushup that
requires pretty strong explosiveness, so be careful the first time you
try it. And watch out for your fragile wrists -– the higher you go, the
harder you’ll land, so consider trying these on a soft surface.
Alternating Plyo Pushup (On Cinder Block)
Anything with the word “plyo” in front of it is just a
fancy way of talking about explosive movements. Any time you become
airborne while doing an exercise, it’s a plyometric exercise. When it
comes to plyo-pushups, the objective is to be as explosive as possible
and push your body as far away from the ground as you can. The more
airtime you get, the easier it’ll be to perform more advanced
plyo-pushups, like the clap pushup, the behind-the-back clap and the
knee slap pushup.
The alternating plyo pushup on a medicine ball was featured in the training sequence of Rocky VI, and if that isn’t motivating enough, urbanize the exercise and do it on a cinder block. To begin, place your left hand on top of the cinder block and right hand on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until you feel a slight stretch in your left shoulder and immediately push off, rapidly and explosively. As your right arm straightens and comes off the floor, quickly land your right hand on the block and place your left hand on the ground. Continue the movement by alternating between sides. Be mindful of absorbing the impact during the lowering phase and avoid landing with your elbows extended. Also, avoid landing on your face -– cinder blocks make nasty exfoliators.
The alternating plyo pushup on a medicine ball was featured in the training sequence of Rocky VI, and if that isn’t motivating enough, urbanize the exercise and do it on a cinder block. To begin, place your left hand on top of the cinder block and right hand on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until you feel a slight stretch in your left shoulder and immediately push off, rapidly and explosively. As your right arm straightens and comes off the floor, quickly land your right hand on the block and place your left hand on the ground. Continue the movement by alternating between sides. Be mindful of absorbing the impact during the lowering phase and avoid landing with your elbows extended. Also, avoid landing on your face -– cinder blocks make nasty exfoliators.
Dive bomber pushup
If you’re looking to give your muscles even more of a workout, try
dive bomber pushups. These are dynamic full-body movements that will
build strength and flexibility in your chest, shoulders, back, hips and triceps.
Your lower back and hamstrings also get a decent stretch out of the movement.
To begin, place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and spread your feet apart to roughly the same width. Stick your butt in the air so you look like an inverted “V.” Lower your shoulders toward the floor, and before your chin or chest hits the floor, swoop your body forward so that your chest ends up facing forward, your back arched, head up and arms straight. Hold the position for a moment and return to the starting position by performing the exercise in reverse. This swooping back and forth differentiates the dive bomber from the closely related Hindu pushup (or surya namaskara, for the yogis who perform this pushup as one of the asanas), where you would simply keep your arms straight and drive your hips back to the starting position. Keep the dive bomber pushup reps continuous, with no pause at the top or bottom, and you’ll give this strengthening exercise a significant cardio boost.
Your lower back and hamstrings also get a decent stretch out of the movement.
To begin, place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and spread your feet apart to roughly the same width. Stick your butt in the air so you look like an inverted “V.” Lower your shoulders toward the floor, and before your chin or chest hits the floor, swoop your body forward so that your chest ends up facing forward, your back arched, head up and arms straight. Hold the position for a moment and return to the starting position by performing the exercise in reverse. This swooping back and forth differentiates the dive bomber from the closely related Hindu pushup (or surya namaskara, for the yogis who perform this pushup as one of the asanas), where you would simply keep your arms straight and drive your hips back to the starting position. Keep the dive bomber pushup reps continuous, with no pause at the top or bottom, and you’ll give this strengthening exercise a significant cardio boost.
The Spiderman pushup
This pushup variation gives you a superhero’s body without having
to wear the silly costume. What makes the Spiderman pushup more
difficult than the traditional pushup is that you generate more
resistance due to the added weight you add to one side. Start from a
pushup position with your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
and control your descent. When you’re at the lowest position of your
pushup, move one leg forward and bring your knee forward toward your
elbow. The movement causes your core to engage and maintain balance,
giving your pecs, arms, shoulders and abs a harder workout. As a bonus,
the leg movement mimics a lower ab crunch, giving your abs an extra
The triangle pushup
When the American Council on Exercise commissioned a study
to find out the best tricep exercise, the triangle pushup came out at
No. 1. According to one of the researchers: “All across the board, the
triangle pushup elicited the most muscle activity in our subjects."
Before you get excited about getting rid of your batwings, remember that
tricep exercises won’t get rid of the fat on your arms, but they will
help you build muscle, which can contribute to overall fat loss.
In a pushup position, place your hands directly beneath your chest with the forefingers and thumbs touching, making a triangle shape. Make sure your back is flat and your core is engaged. As you lower yourself, your elbows will naturally flare out to the sides. Once your chest touches the floor, push back up and repeat
In a pushup position, place your hands directly beneath your chest with the forefingers and thumbs touching, making a triangle shape. Make sure your back is flat and your core is engaged. As you lower yourself, your elbows will naturally flare out to the sides. Once your chest touches the floor, push back up and repeat
The clap pushup
The most common type of plyometric pushup is the clap pushup. The
objective of this one, as the name implies, is to clap your hands in the
air at the top of your push-up and return them safely to the ground
before you smash your teeth in. Anything involving plyometrics requires
rapid, explosive force to give you ample airtime to perform a clap, two
claps or even three claps between reps. While speed is important,
getting your body high enough is what you really need to work on. An
easy progression to the clap pushup is to perform plyo pushups without
clapping until you’re powerful enough to feel confident that you won’t
face plant. In the meantime, practice on a soft surface just in case you
miss your landing. As you develop more speed and power, you’ll be able
to fit in so many claps between landings that you’ll be applauding
Basic pushup
It all starts with the basic pushup. To get the most out of your
pushup, it’s important to pay attention to form and range of motion.
Keep a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders, with hands about
shoulder-width apart and elbows back at around a 45-degree angle. Keep
the head aligned with the back and be careful not to peck at the ground
like a chicken. Your chest should be the first thing to touch the
ground, not your pelvis. Many beginners have trouble going low enough in
their pushups, so it might be helpful to place an object like a tennis
ball or dumbbell on the ground under the chest in order to have a
reference point for how low to go. Your arms should bend past 90 degrees
for the pushup to count. Your goal is to perform a clean chest-to-floor
pushup with proper alignment that showcases your excellent upper body
strength and mobility.
If you can’t perform a full pushup because of a bad shoulder, painful wrist or tender elbow, start off with a pushup against a wall or on an incline. Eventually, your connective tissues and muscles will adapt and you’ll be on your way to glory. As a challenge, try pumping out 100 consecutive pushups without anything other than your hands and toes touching the ground.
If you can’t perform a full pushup because of a bad shoulder, painful wrist or tender elbow, start off with a pushup against a wall or on an incline. Eventually, your connective tissues and muscles will adapt and you’ll be on your way to glory. As a challenge, try pumping out 100 consecutive pushups without anything other than your hands and toes touching the ground.
Top 9 push up variations that will get you totally ripped
“You’re five minutes late for PE! Drop and give me 20!”
Ever since you were a petrified 11-year-old, pushups have been used as a form of punishment. The penalty is well worth it. Pushups are one of the best overall upper-body exercises that exist. They’re a staple of numerous exercise programs, including CrossFit, martial arts and military fitness. Funny thing is, they're often overlooked by many modern fitness enthusiasts, perhaps due to their simplicity. How can something so basic be so effective? While pushups are associated with the chest and triceps, they also work the upper back, shoulders, and core. Your lats, traps and abs need to stabilise your pushing muscles, while your lower back, legs and glutes need to stay engaged to keep your hips from sagging or piking up too high.
Once the perfect pushup is mastered, there are infinite ways they can be modified to suit any fitness level. Try these pushup variations and incorporate them into your exercise program. The best thing about pushups are that they can be done anywhere, as long as there is some ground. And if you can’t find any ground, you better start learning the pull-up instead...
Ever since you were a petrified 11-year-old, pushups have been used as a form of punishment. The penalty is well worth it. Pushups are one of the best overall upper-body exercises that exist. They’re a staple of numerous exercise programs, including CrossFit, martial arts and military fitness. Funny thing is, they're often overlooked by many modern fitness enthusiasts, perhaps due to their simplicity. How can something so basic be so effective? While pushups are associated with the chest and triceps, they also work the upper back, shoulders, and core. Your lats, traps and abs need to stabilise your pushing muscles, while your lower back, legs and glutes need to stay engaged to keep your hips from sagging or piking up too high.
Once the perfect pushup is mastered, there are infinite ways they can be modified to suit any fitness level. Try these pushup variations and incorporate them into your exercise program. The best thing about pushups are that they can be done anywhere, as long as there is some ground. And if you can’t find any ground, you better start learning the pull-up instead...
Thursday, May 1, 2014
How do Real men handle break ups
Breaking up is tough, no matter the situation. One day you and your girl are staring into each other’s eyes, dreaming about the future, and then the next thing you know, she’s throwing your stuff out the window and telling you she never wants to see you again.
While women can resort to burying themselves in front of the couch with a tub of ice cream and hour-long phone calls with their friends, you’re busy losing your mind all by yourself, Kill Bill: Volume 2 searching for a way to keep it together. You thought you had your life in order, and then all of a sudden she pulls the rug out from underneath you. Things are spiraling out of control and you have no idea what to do.
Men may be physically stronger than women, but when it comes to emotions, they are definitely the weaker sex. Guys have a tough time processing their feelings. From childhood, men are consistently told that expressions of vulnerability are an instant sign of weakness. This aversion to emotional expression results in many men not knowing how to properly process a breakup in a healthy manner, resorting to the unproductive routes of rebounding, drinking and letting their feelings explode into anger.
When a woman ends a relationship, it's often seen as a challenge to her partner’s manhood. Regardless of the situation, a man’s ego takes a major pounding every time he gets dumped. When a man feels like he doesn’t have what it takes to hold onto a woman, his sense of self-worth plummets faster than a meteor. To avoid becoming an emotional train wreck, here are some tips for keeping your cool and moving on.
Be OK Grieving
Men often want to ignore the fact that they feel like crap and may actually be emotional wrecks. Relationship expert Susie Collins emphasizes how important it is to let yourself feel.“Instead of letting your thoughts about your ex rule your life, give yourself 30 minutes daily alone and let it all out,”she says. Life does indeed go on and giving yourself space to grieve can help you make a faster recovery than simply repressing all those feelings
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