Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ask leading questions Interviewers are told never to ask questions that only require a“yes”or“no”answer and they’re encouraged to pursue the most detailed responses possible. It’s not much different when you first speak to a receptive hottie, when it’s essential that you get her talking and directly involved in the conversation. Therefore, instead of asking thedefault chitchatquestions like;“So, are you enjoying yourself?”(blimey, she could evennodin reply to that) and,“Can I buy you a drink?”(not a ton of elaboration required), be original and you’ll hold a woman’s attention. Ask her what shethinksabout certain things. Once you’ve learned about her job, ask a specific (hopefully semi-intelligent) question about it. If you do this correctly,sheshould end up talking more than you and that’s exactly what you want. Most times, it’s what the girl wants too, regardless of any claims to the contrary. In record time, you will become a sensitive, respectfullistener

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